Our stories ... ...
16 May 2012 Ghana
The EU chainsaw milling project has expanded its multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) platform to two new forest districts: Tarkwa and Nkwanta.
16 March 2012 Ghana
Forest communities in Ghana will soon be producing lumber to shore up the volume of legal lumber supply for the domestic market. This is to be made possible as Tropenbos International Ghana implements a project that seeks to link local communities to forest concession holders to produce legal lumber under the FAO/ACP/EU-FLEGT Support Programme.
14 November 2011 Ghana
Tropenbos International together with local partners have been awarded a next grant from the EU to continue the chainsaw milling project aimed at securing legal domestic lumber supply in support of the VPA. The project was launched on 26th October, 2011 in Accra, Ghana.
12 January 2011 Ghana
A two-day international workshop on the “Illegal or Incompatible” research project was held in Elmina, Ghana on November 25 and 26, 2010. The workshop aimed at informing policy processes in Ghana and the EU on anticipated impacts of Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) signed between the two parties. This workshop was a sequel to one organized earlier in October 2009 to facilitate information exchange and dialogue on potential impacts of VPA implementation on local livelihoods.
01 January 2010 Ghana
The EU FLEGT Action Programme aims to combat illegal logging and its associated trade. Ghana was the first country to formulate a Voluntary Partnership Agreement with the EU for contributing to the FLEGT objectives. It is envisaged that improved legal timber trade will also stimulate good governance and poverty alleviation.