Forests for a Just Future - Green Livelihoods Alliance


Forests for a Just Future - Green Livelihoods Alliance

The Forests for a Just Future - Green Livelihoods Alliance programme is a five-year programme funded by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Netherlands. The programme is being implemented in Ghana by three partners (Tropenbos Ghana, A Rocha Ghana and Friends of the Earth Ghana) and within two landscapes- Juaboso Bia and Atewa. Tropenbos Ghana works in the Juaboso-Bia landscape.

This programme is the continuation of the Forested Landscapes for Equity programme of the Green Livelihood Alliance (2016-2020) that aimed to strengthen the abilities and effectiveness of southern Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to influence policies and practices to achieve inclusive and sustainable governance of forested landscapes.

In Ghana, the Forests for a Just Future - Green Livelihoods Alliance programme aims at putting local communities in the Juaboso-Bia landscape at a level of awareness, interest and capacity that drives an increase in tree cover, conservation of existing forests and sustainable or climate-smart agriculture (agriculture being the major livelihood activity in the landscape). The programme seeks to realise these in an environment where environmental rights defenders feel safe to operate and the voices of the ordinary citizens are considered in decision-making processes relating to forests and the environment.

To actualize these, the capacity of communities will be built in climate-resilient farming practices. Deliberate effort will be made to promote inclusive governance in community setups that contribute to natural resource management and related decision-making processes. Tropenbos Ghana will also under the GLA 2 undertake various actions to help halt deforestation that is driven by agro-commodity production (in this case, cocoa) and mining within the Juaboso-Bia landscape. At the national level, the government (MLNR, COCOBOD, and Minerals Commission) will be lobbied to make their operations and policies supportive of GLA agenda. Private firms will be engaged on matters of sourcing and illegal cocoa production in forest reserves. Smallholder farmers will be trained to integrate trees in their farms and apply only approved environmentally safe inputs. These actions will enable the private sector and farmers adhere to sustainable and climate-responsive practices along commodity chains.

The programme will also contribute to the creation of an enabling environment where CSOs, local communities (including women and youth) enjoy human rights and safely participate in social movements advocating for sustainable and inclusive natural resource management. To achieve this, Tropenbos Ghana will strengthen the capacities of CSOs (including media) to lead environmental social movements and defend environmental human rights. Through capacity enhancement actions, communities will be made aware of relevant resource utilization laws and rights, including those that govern labour and child rights.




Tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods.